Call Us Today: 229-888-1105
Address: 417 Pine Ave. Albany, GA 31701
Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney Serving All of Southwest Georgia
Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney Serving All of Southwest Georgia
Our Albany, Georgia firm Custer, Custer & Clark LLC has been supporting clients through trying times. We help individuals and businesses to reorganize or discharge debts, often by means of filing under Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy provisions. We also offer Wills, Living Wills, and Powers of Attorney.
The stress can be crippling when bills pile up and there is no means to pay. The situation only worsens when collections agents begin their relentless calls. Don’t let obligations to medical, tax, automotive, credit card or other agencies make you overly worried though. We can stop creditors from calling, repossessing and even garnishing wages. With help from a knowledgeable attorney, Chapter 11 filers can often keep their business running while paying creditors. If liquidation is an option, let our bankruptcy lawyer help you formulate a plan to cash out your assets. Your goal and ours is to clean your financial slate so that you can get back on your feet.
When there aren’t enough funds coming in, mortgage payments often get missed. Though a lender may threaten to sell your home, we can help you reorganize debts, negotiate with creditors and ultimately stop foreclosure. A well-thought-out payment plan can help you to stay in your home while you rebuild your credit.
Any bankruptcy attorney at our law firm can tell you that they have helped people like yourself get financial relief, and in a short time, even qualify for new car loans and additional mortgages. Consultations are confidential and free. Custer, Custer & Clark LLC proudly serves Albany, Georgia and surrounding areas
417 Pine Ave. Albany, GA 31701